
Wendel strengthens its corporate patronage activities

Published : 24.06.2020

True to its values and its long-standing tradition of commitment to civil society, Wendel would like to show its support and solidarity with the people and organizations that are feeling the impact of the healthcare crisis.

As such, the Group announced the following measures on June 5, 2020:

  • he amounts deriving from the reduction in the Executive Board’s and the Supervisory Board’s
    compensation will be paid into Wendel’s endowment fund for the benefit of Restaurants du Cœur in France and The Bowery Mission and Empty Bowls in the United States;
  • through its portfolio company Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI), Wendel is initiating a skills volunteering program for management personnel in healthcare and educational organizations. The program aims to prevent violence by financing training sessions offered by CPI’s Certified Instructors.

Wendel has also renewed its sponsorship agreement with the Centre Pompidou-Metz for five years. Wendel would like to emphasize how very important it is to support cultural institutions during the current period.

Finally, Wendel reiterates its support for all of the healthcare and educational institutions that it accompanies.

Credits : Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2010 © Shigeru Ban Architects Europe et Jean de Gastines Architectes, avec Philip Gumuchdjian pour la conception du projet lauréat.