Share price

Share Data

Listing market: EUROLIST SRD, Compartment A

ISIN code: FR0000121204

Bloomberg code: MF FP

Reuters code: MWDP.PA

Abbreviation: MF


(E=Equities / S=Shares / E=Enhanced voting / U=Free / F=Fully paid / B=Bearer)

Indices: CAC AllShares, CAC Mid 60, Euronext 100, SBF120, STOXX® Europe, EURO STOXX®, STOXX® Europe Private Equity 20, STOXX® Europe 600, LPX 50, EN Family Business, Stoxx Europe Sustainability, MSCI World & Europe & EAFE ESG Leaders.

Quota: 1 share

PEA : Eligible

SRD : Eligible

Par value: €4

Number of shares: 44,430,554 as of June 30, 2024

Share capital: €177,722,216 as of October 18, 2023

Number of voting rights*: 65,922,248 as of June 30, 2024

(*) Excluding shares without voting rights

Address :
Headquarters :
4 rue Paul-Cézanne
75008 Paris (France)
Tél. (01) 42 85 30 00 – Fax : 01 42 80 68 67

SIRET : 572 174 035 00079
NAF : 7010Z
n° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR29 572 174 035


By-laws: Download

Service Actionnaires Titres Nominatifs : Société Générale

To obtain information about your account, please:

– Contact our operators, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Paris time) at +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89 (no surcharge; invoiced based on your provider and the country you are calling from) ; or

– Write to:
Société Générale
Services aux Emetteurs
32, rue du Champ de Tir
BP 81 236
44312 Nantes Cedex 3


Dividends (in euro per share)


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